The road to London ‘25

If you have made it this far, you have probably had the pleasure of meeting Daz (N), Daz (K), or Lissi. This is the page to track our progress as we tackle the one item on everyone’s bucket list: the London Marathon.

Meet the runners…

Daz Nicholls

The real brains behind the operation and the inspiration for this challenge. It’s all about giving it a go! “Weeman” covers the ground like a Speke’s gazelle while sweating less than a cactus in the desert!

Lissi Kittendorf

The lucky ballot winner that started this whole palava. Never one to miss an opportunity to buy new shoes, the marathon adventure has opened a whole new level of “investment”.

Daz Kittendorf

More giraffe than gazelle I’m the “technical” mastermind of the blog. That or Lissi has just nagged me long enough to document this journey, warts and all. Unlike Weeman, I sweat more than a pregnant nun…


Of course we want your money! As a trio, we have decided to raise money for The Teenage Cancer Trust. If you can spare any change to spur us on our way, you can do so on our official charity page. Tea, cake and running chat will be given in thanks!

Bristol Half Marathon 2024

The road to London


km’s and counting!

Lissi’s Foot Pain Level (FPL): 4

Week 8 - Fuel the beast!

This was a week of lessons to be learnt. One of which was: eat like you’re fuelling a marathon. Or don’t, if you’re Daz….

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