Our Blog

Don’t panic, we aren’t doing individual blogs! We are aiming to do a weekly roundup of all of our training though, and of course a hot off the press update detailing the current state of Lissi’s feet.

Marathon plans vary massively, we are not all running the same distance, at the same pace, at the same time. But we are all at least daunted, if not out right terrified of what we have signed up to do, and taking our training seriously.

Week 8 - Fuel the beast!
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 8 - Fuel the beast!

This was a week of lessons to be learnt. One of which was, eat like your fuelling a marathon. Or don’t, if you’re Daz….

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Week 7 - Juiced
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 7 - Juiced

Good news this week! Veggie Meatballs are off the menu and there has been no further issues in relation to meal time vs evening running. Thanks to everyone who has asked Daz about this - he does love to over share!

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Week 6 - Record breakers!
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 6 - Record breakers!

Two HUGE pieces of news this week. The first is the milestone that Weeman hit a massive 52.13km(!!) weekly total 🤯 We thought the collective 100km target smashed last week was a fantastic group achievement, but Weeman has stepped up the training another notch on the road to London…

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Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 5 – “Highs and Lows”

This week was a hilly week of highs and lows. After a brief moment where the sun came out and we all thought that Spring was coming, our hopes were dashed and we rapidly returned to freezing temperatures, icy evenings and cold dark runs...

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Week 4 - Ring That Bell!
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 4 - Ring That Bell!

It’s still cold, it’s still icy, the wind is still biting, but none of it mattered this week as the sun was finally shining for at least some of our training runs!

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Week 2
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 2

All about the Unicorns!

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Week 1
Daz Kittendorf Daz Kittendorf

Week 1

And we’re off! Training starts in earnest in a post Christmas, New Year and Weeman’s birthday party induced haze.

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