Week -30 To The Start

There’s a lot of backstory here, going back several years.

Lissi took up running 2 years ago on pancake day. She received a lot of help and support from seasoned running pro Weeman, with the initial target of running the Bristol half marathon in May 2024. Inspired by their commitment and determination (and a serious case of FOMO) Daz became the third member of the now infamous WRC. Together, we smashed that target on one of the hottest days in May. Feeling brave, and having applied unsuccessfully every year for 8 years, Weeman uttered the immortal words ““Let’s all put our name in the ballot for the London Marathon. We won’t get in anyway”. Well, pacts were made, and by hook, or crook, or minor miracles we are now all heading to London 2025.


Lissi’s in!


Week 0 Pre-Training