Week 6 - Record breakers!

Two HUGE pieces of news this week. The first is the milestone that Weeman hit a massive 52.13km(!!) weekly total 🤯 We thought the collective 100km target smashed last week was a fantastic group achievement, but Weeman has stepped up the training another notch on the road to London and almost single handedly ensured we hit the 100km marker for the second week running. To put Weeman’s effort into perspective, this means that if Weeman ran “as the crow flies”, he would have travelled from Rugby as far a Milton Keynes, Loughborough or West Bromwich (I’m informed jokes about West Brom are strictly prohibited!). There is also a place near Kidderminster called “Bell End”, for which I’m also sure there is a joke in there somewhere, but this is a family safe blog.

Not to be out-done, Lissi was back on the road to London with a vengeance this week too, and for the first time has a higher weekly mileage than Daz with a mighty impressive 26.07km! This included a 5am get-up for a 6.30 run, welcoming a deafening dawn chorus, and more freezing temperatures that meant she couldn’t feel her feet meaning she could at least log it as a pain free run! Unfortunately that joy was short lived with the pain returning for her long run, increasing the FPL score to 6, but with dedicated recovery and a new massage gun she is determined to get it back to the manageable target of 4. The message to Lissi this week is that she can do it - a little positive thinking can push her a huge way, and despite the many set backs she continues to make very impressive progress. Please do leave comments of encouragement if you can!

A shameless plug for the sponsorship page has to come now after these two epic efforts by Weeman and Lissi this week. If you are impressed by their efforts, enjoying the blog, and are able to do so, the Teenage Cancer Trust is an amazing charity and we’d greatly appreciate the support towards our target!

This all left Daz to bring up the rear. A “fallow week” after covering 3 half marathon runs, 3 weeks on the bounce, brought a most welcome reduced load and a bit of rejuvenation. It’s another signal of how far we have all come on this journey that a 25km week is considered “light”. The main lesson for Daz this week might have been how listening to your body is super important, or breaking in new shoes should be a slow a steady process. However, Daz’s headline for week 6 “Never run after eating Linda McCartney’s veggie meatballs” gives all the insight into that run that you really need. Those of you that know Daz, know that he loves to overshare…. Suffice to say that disaster was averted, but the phrase “Squeaky bum time” definitely has new resonance.

KM Counter:

Weeman: 52.13

Lissi: 26.07

Daz: 25.89

Weekly Total: 104.09

Total: 559.46


Week 7 - Juiced


Week 5 – “Highs and Lows”