Week 7 - Juiced
Good news this week! Veggie Meatballs are off the menu and there has been no further issues in relation to meal time vs evening running. Thanks to everyone who has asked Daz about this - he does love to over share!
This week has been half term, so that has added an extra organisational mission scheduling our runs around our kids busy social lives! The sun has been shining though for some of these early morning runs and the temperature hasn’t been too bad for the evening ones. We’ve even managed to avoid the rain!
Daz has been struggling with an Achilles issue this week. It has coincided with him trying out new trainers… He’d never admit that they could be one of the causes of this problem. Or that he’s definitely not gone rogue and picked a pair purely on how they look! The person who does the most amount of research before any purchases and bores the rest of us to tears with endless chat about his findings, did just buy a random pair of trainers because they look cool and happen to have some connections to a pair he used to run in 10 years ago! Consequently, he had to cut his 28km long run down to 20.5km. Thankfully after some R and R the situation seems to have improved and the worst-case scenario that Lissi went straight to appears to have been averted.
Weeman (Darren) has been working through a fair amount of speed work this week, with a tempo and a strides run, both of which were over 10k! Those of you who have been following his updates on WhatsApp will have seen that this week was a “Crohn's Control” week for him. This often has a significant impact on him, not that he’d ever let on – he goes quietly managing it in the background and still pushes himself to run this Marathon distance with serious dedication and impressive success (remember that PB from a few weeks ago!). Combined with his hip replacement (which meant he shouldn’t really have done the Bristol half last year, let alone train for this marathon), the obstacles he is overcoming on the road to London are truly inspiring, and all done with a humble, “getting it done” attitude.
Lissi’s big goal this week has been getting to her 18km long run, which she smashed on Saturday. Lots of recovery, strength and mobility work for the feet and calves, a trip to the physio, and a new found magic cure-all - K tape has meant that the foot pain is now back below 4! We’re all relieved that the foot pain “soundtrack” has been silenced for half term! The 18k long run gave her the prime opportunity to test the running belt out. This turned out to be a bit of a disaster. It was lucky to make it back home and not just get hurled into a hedge!! So this next week will involve the hunt for a hydration vest. If anyone has any recommendations, please send us a message or leave a comment below!
Finally – ending on a funny moment over the week. One evening Daz and Lissi found their eldest son in fits of laughter. Instead of sleeping, he had been reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. He proceeded to read the excerpt aloud:
Honestly, every time I sit down now I make an ‘ooof’ noise. An 'ooof’. And my feet - the trouble I'm having with my feet - I could write songs about the pain my feet give me - maybe your scar is like that.
KM Counter:
Weeman: 34.51
Lissi: 29.37
Daz: 38.89
Weekly Total: 102.77
Total: 662.23